Nafi’s Father

Directed by Mamadou Dia
2019, 107 min
Film director Mamadou Dia brings us the story of two brothers caught in a battle over important political, religious and moral issues. Tierno, the town’s imam, is alarmed to discover that his daughter Nafi has agreed to marry Tokara, the son of his older brother Ousmane. After years of living abroad, Ousmane has recently returned home with designs to become the new mayor. He brings with him wealth and new ties to a fundamentalist form of Islam filled with intolerance and intimidation. The personal conflict between the two brothers builds as Ousmane’s power in the town strengthens. Tierno is compelled to fight – for his daughter and his community. Winner of the Best First Feature award at the Locarno Film Festival.
In Fula with English subtitles.
Online viewing begins Friday, February 26, 7:00 pm; Q&A at 9:00 pm
Friday, February 26th 2021 | 7:00pm
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