Committee Members
The Cascade Festival of African Films Committee:
- April Adams
- Wiley G. Barnett
- Nabil Boudraa
- Tracey Brown
- C. Louis Butts, Jr
- Bobbie Carrie
- Greg Coyle
- Kiki Dembrow
- Michael Dembrow
- Tatyana Dembrow
- Baba Wagué Diakité
- Amadou Fofana
- Tara Foster
- Tracy Francis
- Darrell Fuhriman
- Tedla Gessesse
- Gloria Halper
- Marco Holman
- Mark Holman
- Bob Holmström
- Mary Holmström
- Mike Johnson
- Shawn Jones
- Lisa Leonard
- Aaron McKee
- Kevin McNulty
- Jay Moskovitz
- Nana Nash
- Ruth Nemarundwe
- Ronna Neuenschwander
- Grace Oyetayo
- PC Peri
- Megan Phillips
- David Rutiezer
- Anatole Schaff
- Joseph Smith-Buani
- Carrie Walker
Lauren Johnson designed the 27th Cascade Festival of African Films poster and program cover. She is currently a student in the Graphic Design Program at PCC Sylvania Campus.
Ali Gray, Luis Menchu, Gabriel Nagmay and Anatole Schaff designed the festival website. Ali is the Web Designer, Luis is the Web Services Manager, and Gabriel is the Web Programmer at PCC. Anatole works at Oracle Corporation and is a member of the Cascade Festival of African Films Committee.
Felipe Mirez designed the 3-D animation presentation for the festival. Felipe is a digital artist and animator whose work can be viewed at Felipe’s website.
We gratefully acknowledge the continuing support of Portland Community College, and especially would like to thank the following:
- PCC District President Mark Mitsui
- Cascade Campus
President Karin Edwards
- The PCC Board of
- Denise Frisbee
- Kali Thorne-Ladd
- Michael Sonnleitner
- Jim Harper
- Ken Madden
- Gene Pitts
- Deanna Palm
- Molly Walker
- PCC Organizations:
- Cascade Associated Students of PCC
- Cascade Cultural Affairs Fund
- Cascade Information Staff
- Cascade Multicultural
Awareness Council
- Cascade Public Safety
- PCC Foundation
- PCC Internationalization Initiative
- PCC Library
- PCC Print Center
- PCC Staff Members:
- Matt Chase
- Heidi Dombek
- Mariah Dula
- Kendi Esary
- Dr. Tracy Fordham
- Luke Givens
- Tony Greiner
- Linnea Gruber
- Amanda Harrison
- Nancy Hartman
- Shally Hartman
- James G. Hill
- Keri McCarty
- Aaron McKee
- Ken Nelson
- Mark Parkvold
- Debra Porta
- Ann Prater
- Abe Proctor
- Donna Reed
- Linda Reisser
- Mark Roberts
- Tammy Sanders
- Nathan Savage
- Kurt Simonds
- Tony Vezina
- Maria Wagner
- Robert Wagner
- Ted Walker
- Nancy Wessel
We are also grateful for the generous support of our sponsors.