Directed by Yousry Nasrallah
Egypt, 2009 , 135 min.
The 22nd festival opens with Scheherazade, Tell Me a Story, a film by one of Egypt’s foremost directors that dramatically captures the fusion of oppressive politics, repression, and the desire for freedom and creativity that have fueled the Arab Spring. Framed like The Arabian Nights and set in modern-day Cairo, the film centers on a popular talk-show host named Hebba. When pressured by her husband to tone down government criticism in her show so he can get a much-desired government job promotion, she turns her show’s attention to the lives of ordinary women. The results are not at all what her husband or his bosses expected.
In Arabic with English subtitles.
Sponsored by Associated Students of Portland Community College (ASPCC) and Portland State University (Black Studies Department, Middle East Studies Center, International Studies Department, and International Students at PSU)