Uncertain Future / Lendemains Incertains

Directed by Eddy Munyaneza
2018,69 min
Documentary Series
In Burundi in June 2015, demonstrations against the third term of President Pierre Nkurunziza brought thousands of people to the streets of Bujumbura, the capital city. As the filmmaker Eddy Munyaneza films the protest and the first acts of violence, he also separates from his family. He is forced to flee, due to the increasing violence in the country and the risks brought on by making the film. The second half of the story is the search for his children in Burundi and Rwanda. On both sides of the border, he meets those who stayed and those who fled. Their stories, often brutal and fragmented, express a huge amount of uncertainty about their future and the future of their country.
In French and Kirundi with English subtitles.
Thursday, February 21st 2019 | 7:00pm
PCC Cascade
Note: Documentary Series
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